5 Sex tips for married couples or long term relationships

5 Sex tips for married couples or long term relationships

Couples often put their sex life on a back burner for years, only to question why their spouse feels more like a roommate later. Below I share five practical intimacy tips that will help you stay excited about your partner long-term. 1. Be ok with both your or your...
A Secret to Reclaiming Your Sexual Desire

A Secret to Reclaiming Your Sexual Desire

There is a lot of pressure for women in our society to want sex spontaneously, as well as to be wet at the drop of a hat and orgasm easily and from intercourse only. You may be surprised to learn that according to research only about 15% of women experience exclusively spontaneous desire.

Sex is a learned skill

Sex is a learned skill

Sex, just like playing an instrument, is a learned skill. So, what does it take to become a virtuoso lover? It starts with learning how to tune, care for, and play your own instrument, or your body. Both physical and emotional. It starts with: understanding your...