Why do people cheat?

Why do people cheat?

While it is natural to assume that your partner cheated because you were “not enough” or they don’t give a shit about your relationship, there are so many reasons for it that have nothing to do with you. A famous psychotherapist Esther Perel, who...
What is normal in sex?

What is normal in sex?

As a sex coach, I see so many people questioning what “normal sex” is. From: — Is it normal not to like kissing? — How many times a month is it normal to have sex? — Is it normal to lie about watching porn? — Is it normal to want to have sex in...
Multiple Orgasms Question

Multiple Orgasms Question

“I would love some tips on how I can bring my multiple orgasms back. I used to be able to have them easily, but since I turned 40, they just fizzled out. “

5 Sex tips for married couples or long term relationships

5 Sex tips for married couples or long term relationships

Couples often put their sex life on a back burner for years, only to question why their spouse feels more like a roommate later. Below I share five practical intimacy tips that will help you stay excited about your partner long-term. 1. Be ok with both your or your...